What is this?

Hey, my name is Ahan and this is BTB SOUNDS.

The story behind that name from 2015 is far too long but simply put, it is me at my purest. It is me betting on myself and coming out on top. That feeling… that tingle down my spine of knowing I’m taking a leap and have only myself to catch me, it’s terrifying and liberating.

What does that have to do with this company? It’s the same feeling all over again. It’s standing on the precipice of something massive, something new and terrifying and with endless potential and taking a leap of faith. That’s the idea behind this. Jumping into something purely based on the fact that it makes sense to you. Something that is in a constant state of growth till it reaches my own expectations, because the only thing bigger than my skillset is my ambition. This site will continue to evolve and this business will continue to grow.

This is version 1.0. Welcome to the ground floor.

Take your leap.